International Perfusion Association

Day: July 17, 2024

Clinician Prediction of Survival vs Calculated Prediction Scores in Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

This study compares the accuracy of clinician predictions versus established prognostic scores in determining survival to hospital discharge for patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Conducted from January 2020 to November 2021, the study involved interviews with nurses, perfusionists, and physicians within the first 24 hours of ECMO initiation. The results showed that clinicians, particularly perfusionists and physicians, had better prediction accuracy compared to the RESP and SAVE scores. The findings suggest the potential for developing more accurate prediction tools to guide ECMO eligibility.

Anesthesia MICS

Anesthesia for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery: The Bonn Heart Center Protocol

This article outlines the anesthetic management protocol for minimally invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) at the Bonn Heart Center. It covers preoperative assessment, tailored anesthesia induction, and intraoperative techniques designed to maintain hemodynamic stability and ensure optimal ventilation. Advanced monitoring methods, including transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), processed EEG, and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), are utilized to optimize patient safety. The article emphasizes the importance of peripheral cannulation techniques for cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and discusses the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to perioperative care to enhance recovery and patient outcomes.

Cardioplegia 2024

Comparative Analysis of Del Nido Cardioplegia Versus Blood Cardioplegia in Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

This study examined the efficacy of del Nido cardioplegia compared to traditional blood cardioplegia in adult coronary artery bypass grafting. Among 119 patients, the del Nido group showed superior myocardial protection, indicated by lower Troponin I levels and fewer defibrillation attempts post-surgery. Additionally, this group experienced shorter surgery durations, including reduced aortic cross-clamping and total operative times. The findings suggest del Nido cardioplegia as a viable option for these procedures, necessitating a standardized protocol.